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Maria Nargues / From Spain
As a Spanish language teacher, I admire Professor Fazel's teaching method, his Persian language teaching is exciting and attractive, and I feel good in his class.
Yaqub / From China
As a professional in teaching Persian to foreign countries in Iran, Professor Fazel is familiar with Persian learning rules and conducts scene-based teaching. The Native Persian textbooks, which are close to life, are used, and the corpus is detailed and reliable. While teaching written Persian, Professor Fazel pays special attention to the teaching and dialogue of the Persian oral language to improve students’ daily communication skills and to be able to speak authentic Persian, which is a rare opportunity in my country, china. Each course has a review to help students consolidate the knowledge they have learned and apply it flexibly. After two to three months of study, students master the daily conversations in Persian, accumulate a certain amount of vocabulary, and lay a good foundation for further study.
Li Nan / From China
Professor Fazel is very serious about the students. In every class, he will review what he has learned before. He will remember what he has known back in the process of learning slowly. The teacher is excellent. The teacher is also rigorous in teaching, and some students will immediately make mistakes Correction, education is also very relaxed; students will feel comfortable and will continue to learn; he is a serious and responsible teacher.
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